About Us
THE PEOPLE: We are a friendly group of people. Many will be happy to talk with you, but there are some who are just naturally quiet. We have different cultural backgrounds and spiritual backgrounds. We represent different ages and stages of life. We don't always treat each other as we should. We make mistakes. We are still on a spiritual journey--none of us have arrived. We are, however, united by our strong desire to honor and obey God. We know we fall short of His perfection. We acknowledge our sin and rely on His grace and forgiveness.
OUR BACKGROUND: We are part of what is called "The Restoration Movement". This just means we are trying to "restore" the first century church that Jesus began. We look to the New Testament to determine what Jesus intended His church to be and then try to do just that. Scripture is the final authority for our faith and practice. Sometimes we do not agree on the exact meaning of scripture; however, the basics are clear and almost impossible to mistake. We encourage people to leave man made creeds and dig into God's word for answers. We recognize that we cannot bind where God has not and each believer must study and allow the Holy Spirit to lead them.