Bible Study
Opportunities for All Ages

Small Group Bible Studies
Currently we have a small group of adults who meet at the church building on Wednesday nights at 7pm.
We love to study the bible! One of the best ways to dig into God's Word and get to know each other better at the same time is through small group bible studies. Why small groups? Because they allow you to:
1. Develop close relationships with other Christians
2. Study the Bible as it applies to life
3. Grow in your spiritual journey
4. Pray and be prayed for at a personal level
5. Share your faith in a non threatening environment with others who may be seeking God.
If you are interested in joining a group, contact us today!
Kid's Bible Classes

Classes on Sunday Mornings
During the sermon, classes are available for children of all ages allowing them to learn about Jesus on their level while parents can focus and learn from the sermon without distractions.
Cradle Roll--6 months-2/3 years
Preschool--Ages 2/3-5
Grade School--Grades 1-5
Middle School and High School
NOTE: We are very flexible with selecting classes for children based on their maturity and school experience, especially those ages that may be on the border of these classes. We can help you find the perfect learning environment for your child!

Free Online Bible Studies