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South Lyon Church
3 min read
The Call
When Moses came down from the mountain to the chaos in the camp, he called out for help. The Levites stepped up and answered the call. A...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Nothing helps you grasp God’s love for His children more than becoming a parent. Here are some thoughts from one of our new mothers as...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
As I have journeyed through life, I have had very few regrets. To me, regret is something that kind of eats away at you. It doesn’t...
South Lyon Church
2 min read
My Journey to God
On May 13th 2009 I started my Christian journey. From when I was a baby until I was about five I went to Garden City Church of Christ. I...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Keeping up With the Joneses
The saying “Keeping up with the Joneses” comes from a comic strip from 1913. Most of us know it as a saying about competing with or...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
It's Okay
By Hannah Orr Every since bringing home my newborn daughter last month, I noticed a pattern in adult responses when she cries. Whenever...

South Lyon Church
1 min read
My (Popcorn’s) Journey
By Holly Schilling They start out so calm Just huddled there silently. Then the heat sets in And the popping will begin. Sometimes gently...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
My Journey by Jean Jenkinson
If I told the whole story, it would be far too long for the space afforded here. So, this is the abbreviated version. I was “born into”...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
By Dave Priskorn Being raised Lutheran, Christianity to me was nothing more than rules and traditions. Say a scripted prayer before...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
At the beginning of this week, we were able to fit three adults in the back seat of our car. (Now, it was not the most comfortable fit as...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
By Hannah Orr One time when we were living in Haiti, we decided to go to the beach with a group of friends. Now, despite living on the...
South Lyon Church
3 min read
November 4, 1982
Certain dates just resonate with us and we remember what we were doing on that day. I remember turning on the TV on the morning of...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
You know blessings are one of those tricky concepts. God told Abraham that he would be blessed, and we see the wonderful things that...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Do you hate being evaluated? You know, that time of year when your boss or supervisor comes in with a checklist and basically says...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
There will be times of remembering going on this weekend. Some will gather in New York City, some in Washington DC, and still others in...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Each year on the first day of school there was a photo taken on the front porch. Books in hand, kids wearing brand new clothes ready to...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
I had a glimpse of Heaven this past Sunday. I hadn’t anticipated it, but it just happened. A few weeks ago Brad, my best friend in High...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Although I’ve only been to one co-ed bridal shower, I know this is something that's done at these types of events. When you’re attending...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Thirty-five years ago Holly and I were part of a group that left West Texas to move to California. The group left the comforts of a large...
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