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South Lyon Church
3 min read
Merriam-Webster dictionary online defines retirement as: · an act of retiring: the state of being retired · withdrawal from one’s...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Cold Satan?
Yea, cold and Satan are two words you usually don’t hear together or associate with each other. Anytime you think of temperatures...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Have you ever had a discussion with someone about directions, or the best way to get some place? Or maybe you have taken it a step...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
R-e-s-p-e-c-t, - something-we-all-want-to-see. I know; that’s not how the lyrics go in Aretha Franklin’s most famous recording. But...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
We have all seen the movies where someone is about to die or is held captive by another. Then a third person comes along and frees the...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Take the Call
Not sure if you are like me, but if my cell phone rings and the number is not in my address book (ie. a number rather than a name pops...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Directions are a big part of our life. We have the basic north, south, east and west that we use all the time. They usually refer to...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Upside Down
According to Merriam-Webster upside down means “in such a way that the upper and lower parts are reversed in position”. This can be a...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
On the top shelves of my office there are a number of hats. They represent different things to me from over the years. There is the one...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
What Do We Do With Halloween?
First of all, I want to state that this is an opinion. This is my view and how I see things. You may agree with this view or you may...
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