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South Lyon Church
2 min read
As the years have crept up on me, I find myself on the living room floor each day. No, I don’t fall coming down the hallway, and no, I’m...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
It seems like the move for the past quarter century or more has been to get rid of pews. I don’t believe there have ever been any pews in...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Eternal Vaccine
After some pondering we decided to go ahead and do it. On Thursday this past week out of a lottery system of sorts, our names were drawn...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
valentine's day
Ah, the romance, the commercialism of February 14th! The second part of that seems to creep into every holiday or special occasion we...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Except for the times it is associated with first, one gets a bad rap. And even being associated with first isn’t always great. I would...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
And the winner is...
Well, at the time of writing this, we don’t know for sure. But then again, we do. No, it is not the Republican party and their list of...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
A Recipe for Disaster
Somewhere along the line, I became the breakfast cook in our family. It may have been because of my love for breakfast, or that I was...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Buying Whiskey
My dad had a saying, though as time has gone on I realize that it wasn’t his saying, but one he had heard. I found this with many of my...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
At a Football Game
Though I have my strong--and in my opinion, correct--political views, I really try to keep them separate from my Christian views. This is...

South Lyon Church
4 min read
Out of the Zoo
Reposted from Hannah Orr's blog. A while back I discovered that many zoos have special times where people can come and feed giraffes...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
The Church
I think over the years we have come to better understand what the church is and more importantly, what it isn’t. I remember a children...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Not about me?
There is an event in Israel’s history that has always caught my attention because of God’s power and man’s focus. It takes place in the...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Simple Math
I really shouldn’t work on my financials just before I go to bed. Some may say, “Yeah, it is too depressing” and some months it could be,...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Deep Waters
By Holly Schilling “He reached down from on high and took hold of me. He drew me out of deep waters.” Psalm 18:16 Sometimes I think of my...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Steps Taken
I am not sure how they calculated it or why they even did, but someone has calculated how many miles Paul traveled. The calculation from...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Fathers stepping up
I remember a number of things about my dad as I was growing up. He was always there when I had a ballgame, be it baseball, basketball or...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Take a Knee
Most of us are familiar with what happened a couple of years ago in the NFL. Football players started taking a knee in protest during the...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Blue Ribbon Sports
I was the breakfast cook around our house when the kids were growing up. It’s not that Holly couldn’t, or wouldn’t, but I loved...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Cold Satan?
Yea, cold and Satan are two words you usually don’t hear together or associate with each other. Anytime you think of temperatures...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Take the Call
Not sure if you are like me, but if my cell phone rings and the number is not in my address book (ie. a number rather than a name pops...
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