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South Lyon Church
3 min read
Technology is one of those ever changing things. By definition it is “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Are We Really Free?
It all starts with the concept of freedom. Two hundred and fifty years ago individuals in the new land were talking about freedom....

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Estate Planning
As most of you know, I made a quick trip to Texas last week. I left around noon on Wednesday and arrived back in Detroit less than 36...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
The Opening
When I was a student, I worked security at an establishment in Lubbock, Texas. On the grounds, at the end of this narrow road through...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
A Week's Difference
I remember fifteen years ago this August, we were getting ready to take our son to college. It was a Monday morning. We would be leaving...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Daylight savings time has received a lot of attention these past couple of weeks; from the setting of the many clocks ahead to people...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Berean Podcast
In my short (though it seems to be getting less short) life I have seen many changes. These changes are in technology, culture, society,...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
A week ago, a number of us went powerless. For our house it was only for about 48 hours, though for others it was close to double that....

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Locked Door
The tomb was empty. The women had come and told the apostles this. We read that John and Peter ran to the tomb to see for themselves. ...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Serve Them
You know that person who goes behind your back? Maybe it is to get something they want and you may be in the way. Or it could be a power...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Odd couple?
About 50 years ago, there was a movie that became a TV series. The title of both was The Odd Couple. Two different individuals who were...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
The Apostles
We often try to visualize something to better understand it. In praying for those in Ukraine, I try to picture what it would be like to...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
As we continue this series looking at these two servants of God, we see a transition. Elijah has been taken up into heaven and Elisha...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Jah or Sha
You know it is hard enough reading some of these names in the Old Testament. I mean Tiglath-Pileser? Who names their child that? And...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
To Jerusalem for Pumpkinfest
In Acts 20:16, Paul stops in Miletus and sends for the elders of the church in Ephesus to join him there. His desire is to get back to...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
The 40 Challenge
I just love numbers. They are exact, precise, and to the point. Well, except if you have a transcendental number like “pi”. But aside...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Labour Day
If you are like my computer spell checker, which underlined it, you are thinking that the first word in the title of this article is...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Under Twenty
I went to a soccer match at South Lyon High the other day to watch our neighbor’s son play. I stood with his dad and some other dads...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
The Call
When Moses came down from the mountain to the chaos in the camp, he called out for help. The Levites stepped up and answered the call. A...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Muddy Waters
It was a little after midnight on a Saturday night as over a hundred of us left the building and the activity that had just been...
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