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South Lyon Church
2 min read
Are We Really Free?
It all starts with the concept of freedom. Two hundred and fifty years ago individuals in the new land were talking about freedom....

South Lyon Church
3 min read
The Walking Test
by Holly Schilling This Sunday, Hannah, Vivian, and I are participating in the MS Walk at Kensington Park. Since this event is happening...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
The Opening
When I was a student, I worked security at an establishment in Lubbock, Texas. On the grounds, at the end of this narrow road through...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Berean Podcast
In my short (though it seems to be getting less short) life I have seen many changes. These changes are in technology, culture, society,...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Locked Door
The tomb was empty. The women had come and told the apostles this. We read that John and Peter ran to the tomb to see for themselves. ...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
The Apostles
We often try to visualize something to better understand it. In praying for those in Ukraine, I try to picture what it would be like to...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
The Call
When Moses came down from the mountain to the chaos in the camp, he called out for help. The Levites stepped up and answered the call. A...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Muddy Waters
It was a little after midnight on a Saturday night as over a hundred of us left the building and the activity that had just been...
South Lyon Church
3 min read
November 4, 1982
Certain dates just resonate with us and we remember what we were doing on that day. I remember turning on the TV on the morning of...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Lion and the lamb
Monday is another one of those animal weather folklore days, like we had a couple of weeks ago with Phil. You know the rodent from...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
valentine's day
Ah, the romance, the commercialism of February 14th! The second part of that seems to creep into every holiday or special occasion we...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
One big thing COVID has done is change our habits. There are things I used to love doing that I miss tremendously and then there are some...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
A Recipe for Disaster
Somewhere along the line, I became the breakfast cook in our family. It may have been because of my love for breakfast, or that I was...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Simple Math
I really shouldn’t work on my financials just before I go to bed. Some may say, “Yeah, it is too depressing” and some months it could be,...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Ceremony VS sincerity
I recently read an article about Israel and the “Holy Land”. The article was mainly about politics, religion and how the two are tied...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
The Time Has Come
When writing to an apprentice, Paul tells him that a time will come when those who claim to follow God will not put up with sound...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
To Tell the Truth
People have often heard that if a lie is told often enough, people believe it; they take it as truth. In the age of social media, we are...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
1 Equals 2
I loved my high school math classes. Maybe because I like math so much and maybe because all my teachers were great. One of my teachers...

South Lyon Church
2 min read
Effects of Weather
It is hard to believe that as we turn the corner on the week and head into Monday, we may see the temperature soar to 50 degrees. This is...

South Lyon Church
3 min read
Matzo or chicklets?
If we are not careful that is what it comes down to. Are there “chicklet” shaped crackers in the tray as it goes by or is there a Matzo...
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