Yes, that is a weather term and yes, I love weather. I’ve even been known to use weather analogies when I write or speak. But this is less of a weather term, though the current urban meaning of it does come from the idea of weather. Snowflakes are a less than complementary term applied to some millennials and teens today. It is a metaphor to convey the fragility of one’s sensitivity toward something perceived as politically incorrect and the melt down that happens in a heated situation. I recently read that Jerry Seinfeld won’t do his comedy on college campuses anymore because he gets in trouble if he’s not perceived as politically correct, and it’s just too much of a pain.
Now this article isn’t about teens or millennials, I know some pretty strong ones, but more about us as Christians. So the term I would like to use is “Snowflake Christians”. Though Jesus didn’t use this term, He did talk about it when He told the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23. When the seed, which is God’s word lands in the rocky soil, no depth is obtained by the roots and when trouble comes, it falls away. Or to use our snowflake analogy, it would melt away. The lessons Jesus taught were using the terminology of His day, much like the idea of “Snowflake Christians” used today.
In either case or use of terms the lesson Jesus was getting at was the same--trouble and difficulties are going to come. We like to think that everything will be lollipops and cotton candy when we make our commitment to Christ and are immersed in the waters of baptism. We come up out of the water to an “everything is wonderful life.” And yes, it is wonderful because of an eternal outlook we have; but, no, it is not always wonderful as we exist day to day. We don’t like to hear it and some would deny it, but life as a Christian can be very difficult at times. Again, not a pessimistic view, but an understanding of what Jesus says and teaches.
In the parable Jesus told, the seed along the rocky soil did not last because it lacked a good root system. Translation, the person did not dig deeper into the meaning of following Jesus. They did not regularly open God’s word, reading and meditating on what it meant. They did not get with others to talk about what we refer to as God’s word, the Bible. They were not in prayer over what it said and how to live what it says. They did not spend time with others praying for each other and others. In other words, they did not dig deep to establish roots to help them in times of difficulty. Difficult times are going to come (sorry, but then you probably already knew that). A good root system is valuable in weathering the droughts that come along in life and for weathering the strong winds that will uproot a shallow rooted system.
We don’t need to judgmentally look at others and determine if they are “Christian Snowflakes” (though if you do feel someone is leaning that way, why don’t you try to open God’s word with them, spend time with them, pray for and then with them.) No this article isn’t about others. It’s about you. It’s about me. How deep are my roots? Will they withstand difficult times? What am I doing to deepen those roots? Non lollipop and cotton candy times will come. I don’t want anyone to be uprooted, to wither or to melt.
Keeping from melting,