Meet Our Minister
Family Life Minister

Randy was born and raised in southern Michigan just 70 miles from South Lyon, but it took him 30 years to travel from his birthplace to here! In those 30 years, he served in ministry in Texas, California, Canada, Illinois, and Iowa--mostly working with campus ministries and young families. Randy received a degree in Meteorology from the University of Michigan and from there went to Texas Tech University for graduate school and to “chase tornadoes!" While chasing tornadoes, he became a Christian, received a degree in Bible from Abilene Christian University, and met his wife, Holly. Randy and Holly have a son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren who live in Tennessee and a daughter, son-in-law, and grand-daughter who live in South Lyon. Randy continues to love talking about the weather, but since he became a Christian in 1984, he also loves to talk about Jesus--especially one on one with people or in a small group setting.
Randy Schilling