If you google “food” from the church building, the first item that comes up is McDonald’s. Now some may feel that is not real food, but you definitely can’t knock their French fries. If you go to images, a variety appear; from a healthy veggie based display to something much less doctor approved, that I would very much like. If you go to Merriam-Webster, it defines the word as “a material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair vital processes, and furnish energy.” Not the most appetizing definition as you read it.
Food is such a big part of our lives. Just the other day we, as the Body of Christ, helped several families with what we call our monthly Food Bank. A few days before that, the JOY Group shared some delicious Mexican food prepared by Lupita Dantes. And then next Sunday evening, the families with young children will get together over at the Duncan’s house for swimming, a movie, and of course--food. As a Body (of Christ) we sure spend a lot of time putting food into our own bodies.
As individuals we are also big on food. Birthdays usually bring about eating out or preparing the recipients their favorite food. We will meet someone for a bite to eat or maybe a business luncheon. Ever open the refrigerator in the evening just to see what food you can snack on? My personal favorite at that time of day is in the freezer section and it usually isn’t referred to as food, but dessert (maybe with a little caramel sauce and whip cream). We also may have our favorite breakfast food, mine usually revolves around bacon, but brown sugar on oatmeal is also good when I need to eat a bit healthier.
As this blog moved along you probably started thinking about food, maybe your favorite type at your favorite restaurant, or what you’re going to eat at your next meal. In reading this you may have even started to get a little hungry. Could be, it is close to a meal, or could be food just sounded good. Regardless when we think of food, we get an appetite for food.
Jesus also had food throughout His life on earth. He sat down and had food with sinners, caused a few fish and loaves to become many, and had what we call the Last Supper the evening before He was crucified. But the most important food He talks about is in John 4:31-34. The disciples are urging Jesus to eat and He tells them He has food they know nothing about: doing the will of His Father. He switched the discussion from physical to spiritual and in doing this, He challenged them to evaluate their appetites.
Now if we think back to part of the definition of food--used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair vital processes, and furnish energy--and we think of this in the spiritual realm, what Jesus says can be seen in a new light. Doing God’s will, is what “sustains growth”: numerically obviously, but I have learned over the years that talking to those who don’t know of God’s love challenges my knowledge and helps me grow spiritually. It also helps us “repair” problems we may have within the body. Think about it like this: if we are all so worried about a friend’s salvation, we wouldn’t have time or energy to quarrel among ourselves because our focus would be off of self and onto others. And finally, doing God’s will “furnishes the energy” to continue on each day working to help others stay committed or become committed to Christ. Doing God’s will offers a continual reminder of what we have received from the Bread of Life, who fills us up completely (John 6:35).
So. . .what are you hungry for?
Hungry for Him,